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What must I do to be saved?

From the very first time that Jesus was preached as the risen Savior and Son of God in Acts 2, there is a pattern for being saved. It involves four easy to understand actions:

First we must believe in Jesus as the Christ and as the Son of God Acts 8: 36, 37, Rom. 10:8,9

Secondly we must confess Jesus publicly as Christ and the Son of God Mt. 10:32, 16:16, Rom. 10:9

Thirdly we must repent of our sins Acts 2:38

Then you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Acts 2:38, Gal. 3: 26, 27, 1 Pe. 3:20, 21

When you have done this your sins are forgiven and you have received God's Holy Spirit. You are now a child of God and you are saved!

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