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Schedule of Services

Sunday Worship Hour 10:30 am

Sunday Adult Bible Study 9:30 am

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm

^top  Detail   Posted: 07/30/18 ID: 1532976198 Category: About Triad CC


How to find us

Street Address:

1016 Salisbury Street

Kernersville, NC., 27284

(336) 497-4787

^top  Detail   Posted: 07/28/18 ID: 1532830601 Category: About Triad CC

Meet the Minister

Meet the Minister

I am David Miller and I have the honor of being the Minister here at Triad Church of Christ. My wife Josie and I have been here since August 2016. We are residents of Kernersville and are excited about what God has in store for this church.

I hold degrees from Ohio Valley College and Tennessee Bible College and have served at five different churches as either an Elder or as a minister. I have had the opportunity to serve in several interesting ministries including; youth & children, Men's and homeless ministries.

It is my practice to preach expositionally from God's word, letting the Word speak from it's own context. Our Church places a high value on God's word. We believe it tells us specifically what we need to do in order to be saved and how we must live in order to please God. Therefore we preach the Word and not our opinions.

We have four adult children as well as four grand-children. We both enjoy working around our home and property. And as is usually the case with men, I enjoy watching football, basketball and auto racing.

The Church meets on Sunday at 10:30 am and on Wednesday at 7:00 pm. We offer classes for both adults and children. We hope to see you soon! 

Email: Let's get together!

^top  Detail   Posted: 08/13/18 ID: 1534184467 Category: About The Minister