TCC is happy to announce that we have a Children's Minister. Kensley Fredericksen has now been with us since late October. Kensley has experience at two other churches and is majoring in Child Psychology at UNC-Greensboro. She will be heading up Children's education and activities for our church.
Crisis Control is adding a new monthly collection for children. This month (February) we will be collecting Granola bars. Please place in box in the Media Missions room. Thanks again for your generosity
The February Crisis Control Food Item of the month is Soul Food. This would include Collard Greens, Black-eyed peas and Jiffy Cornbread mixes. Please put your gifts in the box in the Media Missions room. Thanks in advance for your generosity
On each second Saturday from 11:30 till 1:30 TCC hosts a free community lunch in the fellowship hall. This meal is free and ice tea, lemonade and water are served as well. We look forward to serving you!
Each Tuesday at Clark's BBQ our Senior Men meet for breakfast and fellowship at 9:00 am. You are cordially invited to attend.